Opferhilfe Beratung für Betroffene v. Straftaten in MV e.V., Waren/Müritz
Bahnhofstrasse 3 a, 17192 Waren/Müritz
phone: 03991 6348999
website: http://www.opferhilfe-mv.de
email: info.waren@opferhilfe-mv.de
We look after:
- male persons of all ages
- female persons of all ages
- other persons of all ages
We look after those affected by ...
- physical violence
- sexual violence
- domestic violence
- stalking
- human trafficking
- right-wing extremist violence
- bi-, homo- or transphobic violence
- property offenses
- accident / misfortune
- forced marriage / violence on the basis of "honor"
- other crimes
Special offers for ...
- psychotraumatological care
- migrants
- people with disabilities
- bi-, homo- or transsexuals
More information
allgemeine Opferberatung, Standards der ADO,
kostenlos, streng vertraulich, auf Wunsch anonym
kostenlos, streng vertraulich, auf Wunsch anonym
Foreign languages:
deutsch, englisch
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Bu kurum adresini göstermek istemiyor.
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