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How can victim services help?

The Federal Republic of Germany offers a variety of victim services with different main focuses and consulting concepts for people who are currently experiencing violence or have experienced violence in the past. These services offer consultation and information on various topics. You can contact them, regardless if you have a specific question or just want to confide in them.

A lot of services have the option of  helping you take care of bureaucratic procedures, dealings with authorities and other similar issues or they know addresses to further supporting programmes.


Filing a Complaint

Victim services also offer assistance for filing a complaint with the police, as they are aware of all the necessary details for doing so. Being aware of all the important details can help with making a final decision for or against filing a complaint. The employees at the victim services can also accompany persons to the police, if required.

Since the complaint and the following criminal proceedings may be very complicated and exhausting, victim services will continue to assist and accompany persons affected by crime. Many victim services offer psychosocial support for criminal proceedings. This includes preparing for the proceedings and the resulting stress as well accompanying persons to questionings in the investigation and the court session, including the explanation of all proceedings.

The employees at victim services can also connect you with specialised lawyers. For more information on legal representation visit: http://www.nebenklage.org/

If you are searching for victim services near you, use the database provided by ODABS.